Fundamentals of Hematology

Course Objectives


1. Understanding blood cells (red, white, platelets) and their roles

2. Blood clotting and coagulation mechanisms

3. Disorders like anemia, bleeding disorders, thrombosis, and clotting factor deficiencies

4. Interpreting lab tests like complete blood counts (CBCs), blood smears, and coagulation studies

5. Applying knowledge to real-life case studies and scenarios




1: Introduction to Hematology

1.1: Definition and scope of hematology

1.2: Importance of hematology in medicine

1.3:Overview of blood cells and their functions

2: Blood Cells

2.1: Red blood cells (RBCs): structure and function

2.2: White blood cells (WBCs): types and functions

2.3: Platelets: structure and function

3: Blood Clotting

3.1: Coagulation cascade; intrinsic and extrinsic pathways

3.2: Fibrinolysis and clot resolution

4: Laboratory Testing in Hematology

4.1: Complete Blood Count (CBC); components and interpretation

4.2: Blood smear examination: morphology and abnormalities

4.3: Coagulation studies: PT, PTT and INR

5: Hematological Disorders

5.1: Anemia

5.2: Bleeding Disorders

5.3: Thrombotic Disorders

5.4: Platelet Disorders

5.5: White Blood Cell Disorders

5.6: Lympho-proliferative Disorders

5.7: Myelo-proliferative Disorders

5.8: Bone Marrow Syndromes

6: Case Studies in Hematology

6.1: Real-life examples of hematological disorders

6.2: Diagnosis and management of hematological cases 


1: Introduction to Hematology 

The science of platelets, diagnosing and treating blood problems, and creating novel therapies and treatments are the essential focal points of hematology, a fundamental clinical field. Anemia, bleeding disorders, and blood clots are all caused by blood clotting, coagulation disorders, and laboratory testing. Blood cells like platelets, white blood cells, and red blood cells (RBCs) are responsible for maintaining the body's immune system. WBCs fight infections and diseases by producing antibodies and inundating unfamiliar particles and cell waste, while RBCs transport oxygen and maintain direct corrosive base equilibrium. Platelets, also known as thrombocytes, form blood clots and release chemicals that draw white blood cells (WBCs) to the site of an injury in order to stop bleeding. Understanding blood cells is necessary for understanding various physiological processes and disease states. Any imbalance or abnormality in the count or function of white blood cells (WBCs) can cause a variety of health issues. Laboratory testing plays a crucial role in the diagnosis and treatment of blood disorders like anemia, bleeding disorders, and thrombotic disorders.

1.1: Definition and Scope of Hematology


The vital medical field of hematology focuses primarily on the investigation, diagnosis, and treatment of blood-related conditions like anemia and blood cancers. It is absolutely necessary for maintaining public health and improving patient outcomes. Hematology encompasses a wide range of blood-related issues, including paleness, issues with draining and thickening, blood diseases (leukemia, lymphoma, and multiple myeloma), blood bonding medications, coagulation issues, hematopoietic foundational microorganism transplantation, and immunohematology. Hematology plays a crucial role in public health due to the fact that blood disorders can have a significant impact on both mortality and quality of life. Early diagnosis and appropriate treatment are essential to managing these conditions, and hematology professionals exert a lot of effort to improve patient outcomes. If we are familiar with hematology, we will have a better understanding of the significance of this field and how it affects public health.

1.2: Importance of Hematology in Medicine:


Since it empowers early finding and treatment of blood issues, hematology, the investigation of blood and its problems, assumes a significant part in medication. It is important in blood cancers, blood transfusion medicine, coagulation disorders, immunohematology, and multidisciplinary care, among other things. Hematology has revolutionized understanding and treating blood cancers like leukemia, lymphoma, and multiple myeloma, resulting in increased patient survival rates and improved quality of life. 

The importance of hematology in medicine cannot be overstated. Several reasons can be given for this:


1. Diagnosis and treatment of blood disorders

Hematology helps diagnose and manage blood-related diseases, such as anemia, bleeding disorders, blood clots, leukemia, and lymphoma.

2. Blood cells and their functions

Hematology helps us understand the biology of blood cells, including their development, maturation, and function, which is essential for understanding various diseases.

3. Blood transfusion and banking

Hematology is critical for blood transfusion medicine, ensuring the safe transfer of blood components to patients in need.

4. Coagulation and bleeding disorders

Hematology helps us understand the complex mechanisms of blood clotting and bleeding, enabling the diagnosis and treatment of related disorders.

5. Cancer research and treatment

Hematology is essential for understanding and managing blood cancers, such as leukemia and lymphoma.

6. Infection and immunity

Hematology helps us understand how blood cells respond to infections and how the immune system functions.

7. Transplantation and stem cell biology

Hematology is crucial for understanding stem cell biology and transplantation, which has led to significant advances in bone marrow transplantation.

8. Drug development and pharmacology

Hematology informs the development of drugs that affect blood cells or the blood clotting system.

9. Pediatric and neonatal medicine

Hematology is vital for understanding and managing blood disorders in children and newborns.

10. Public health and epidemiology

Hematology helps us understand the epidemiology of blood disorders, enabling public health initiatives and disease prevention strategies.

Hematology ensures safe blood transfusions, an essential part of medical care, by blood typing, cross-matching, and screening for infectious diseases like HIV and hepatitis. Furthermore, it helps with the administration of coagulation issues like thrombophilia, which can bring about a possibly deadly apoplexy. Immunohematology has benefited patients with Rh disease and infantile hemolytic anemia thanks to advances in the interpretation of the safe framework's connection to platelets. In conclusion, a wide range of medical specialties benefit greatly from hematology's influence on patient care. Because of its contributions to the early diagnosis, treatment, and management of blood disorders, it is an essential component of modern medicine. The importance of hematology in medicine cannot be overstated. Several reasons can be given for this: 


1.3: Blood Cells and their Functions


Blood cells, which transport oxygen, nutrients, and prevent disease, are the building blocks upon which our bodies are built. The three main types are platelets, white blood cells, and red blood cells (RBCs). The hemoglobin that gives blood its red color is carried by RBCs, which also carry oxygen from the lungs and transport nutrients to cells. They live for 120 days on average. WBCs fight infections and diseases as part of the immune system. Additionally, they aid in the elimination of waste and shield the body from foreign substances. Platelets are involved in blood clotting and wound healing in addition to releasing chemicals that draw white blood cells (WBCs) to injury sites and forming plugs to stop bleeding. They typically live between seven and ten days. Understanding the functions of these cells helps us appreciate the intricate mechanisms that keep us alive. By taking care of our blood cells, we can ensure our overall health. 

2: Blood Cells

The three primary types of blood cells are platelets, white blood cells, and red blood cells (also known as RBCs). Each type has its own functions and characteristics. While RBCs transport oxygen and carbon dioxide from the lungs to body tissues, WBCs fight infections and diseases. Types include neutrophils, monocytes, lymphocytes, eosinophils, and basophils. Platelets stop bleeding by forming blood clots with a small, irregular shape and lacking a nucleus or mitochondria. Due to their distinct functions and characteristics, blood cells are necessary for healthy blood flow and disease prevention.

2.1: Red blood cells RBCs; structure, function, and disorders



Biconcave disk shape

No nucleus or mitochondria

Consistent diameter of 7-8 µm

Cell membrane is a lipid bilayer containing integral and peripheral membrane proteins

Cytoplasm is filled with hemoglobin, a protein that transports oxygen and carbon dioxide



Transport oxygen from lungs to body tissues

Transport carbon dioxide from tissues to lungs

Gas exchange and transport between lungs, blood, and tissues

Determining blood type


2.2: White blood cells WBCs; types, functions, and disorders



1. Neutrophils (55-70% of total WBCs)

2. Lymphocytes (20-40% of total WBCs)

    B cells (antibody production)

    T cells (cell-mediated immunity)

3. Monocytes (2-8% of total WBCs)

4. Eosinophils (1-4% of total WBCs)

5. Basophils (0.5-1% of total WBCs)




1. Phagocytosis (engulfing foreign particles and cellular debris)

2. Antibody production (by B cells)

3. Antigen presentation (by dendritic cells and macrophages)

4. Cytotoxicity (killing infected cells or foreign substances)

5. Inflammation (attracting WBCs to injury sites)


2.3: Platelets; structure and function



Also called thrombocytes

Not true cells but circulating fragments of cells

Produced from megakaryocytes in the bone marrow

Contain proteins, granules, and structures similar to muscle proteins

Can change shape when stimulated



Principal function is to prevent bleeding

Prevent bleeding by forming platelet plugs

Interact with subendothelium-bound von Willebrand factor (vWf)

Contain two unique types of granules: alpha granules and dense granules

3: Blood Clotting

A crucial step in stopping bleeding after an injury is the process of blood clotting, or coagulation. A series of intricate reactions involving proteins, blood cells, and other substances are involved. Upon adhering to a damaged blood vessel, platelets aggregate to form a fibrin-supported platelet plug. Fibrin is produced through the coagulation cascade, which is triggered by both intrinsic and extrinsic pathways. The coagulation cascade relies heavily on clotting factors, which are proteins with particular functions. Lacks in thickening variables can prompt draining problems. The process by which the body breaks down blood clots and activates plasmin, an enzyme that breaks down fibrin, is known as fibrinolysis. Hemophilia A and B, Von Willebrand disease, and thrombotic conditions like deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, and atrial fibrillation are examples of disorders of blood clotting. 

3.1: Coagulation cascade: intrinsic and extrinsic pathways


The coagulation cascade is a complex process that leads to the formation of a blood clot. It involves two pathways: intrinsic and extrinsic.


Intrinsic Pathway:


Begins with damage to the blood vessel wall

Involves the activation of factor XII (Hageman factor)

Activates factor XI, which activates factor IX

Factor IX activates factor VIII, which activates factor X

Factor X activates factor V, which leads to the formation of prothrombinase

Prothrombinase converts prothrombin (factor II) to thrombin

Thrombin converts fibrinogen to fibrin, forming a clot


Extrinsic Pathway:


- Begins with tissue damage, which releases tissue factor (TF)

- TF activates factor VII, which activates factor IX

- Factor IX activates factor X, which leads to the formation of prothrombinase

- Prothrombinase converts prothrombin (factor II) to thrombin

- Thrombin converts fibrinogen to fibrin, forming a clot


Common Pathway:


- Both intrinsic and extrinsic pathways converge at the activation of factor X

- Factor X activates factor V, leading to the formation of prothrombinase

- Prothrombinase converts prothrombin (factor II) to thrombin

- Thrombin converts fibrinogen to fibrin, forming a clot

3.2: Fibrinolysis and clot resolution


Fibrinolysis is the process by which the body breaks down blood clots. It involves the activation of plasmin, an enzyme that degrades fibrin, the main component of blood clots.


Steps involved in fibrinolysis:


1. Plasminogen, an inactive precursor, is converted to plasmin by tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) or urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA).

2. Plasmin breaks down fibrin into fibrin degradation products (FDPs).

3. FDPs are cleared from the circulation by the liver and kidneys.

4. The clot is dissolved, and blood flow is restored.


Regulation of fibrinolysis:


1. Plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI1) inhibits tPA and uPA, reducing plasmin generation.

2. Thrombin-activatable fibrinolysis inhibitor (TAFI) inhibits plasmin generation.

3. Alpha-2-antiplasmin (α2-AP) inhibits plasmin activity.


Clot resolution:


1. After fibrinolysis, the clot is removed through a process called clot resolution.

2. Clot resolution involves the degradation of fibrin and the removal of fibrin degradation products.

3. The process is mediated by macrophages, neutrophils, and other immune cells.


Importance of fibrinolysis and clot resolution:


1. Fibrinolysis and clot resolution are essential for maintaining blood vessel patency and preventing thrombosis.

2. Dysregulation of fibrinolysis and clot resolution can lead to thrombotic disorders, such as deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism.

3. Understanding fibrinolysis and clot resolution is important for the development of therapeutic strategies to treat thrombotic disorders.

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